Offshore Emergency Response Team Leader


Price on Request


During the course participants will learn and demonstrate to a level of competence on how to operate firefighting and fire protection equipment and how to deal with various fire situations at installations. Emphasis will be on leading and controlling fire / emergency response teams


4 Days


The syllabus focuses on:

  • Delegating tasks to the ERT effectively.
  • Communicating effectively with relevant emergency response personnel.
  • Giving clear and concise instructions to the ERT members during the emergency.
  • Leading the ERT in a clear and confident manner.
  • When safe to do so, directing the ERT members into the incident area – continually assessing how the changes in the emergency could impact on the safety of the OERT members. 6. Conducting dynamic risk assessments throughout the incident.
  • Looking for and responding accordingly to signs of stress in individual ERT members during the emergency.
  • Effectively monitoring breathing apparatus (BA) control.
  • Leading the ERT during non-fire incidents effectively.
  • Leading the ERT during firefighting operations effectively. (
  • Conducting missing persons and casualty management effectively during the emergency.

Course Structure

The course is a mix of theoretical and practical sessions, during which delegates will be required to demonstrate their level of knowledge and understanding of the training programme content.

Pre requisites

Delegates attending this course must possess a valid Emergency Response Team Member Training certificate.

Target Audience

All personnel employed who are involved with the emergency response


A Project Maritime Training certificate will be issued on successful completion of the course.


Every two years.


Held at Project Maritime Training, Saldanha Bay, South Africa.

Items to bring

Delegates must present photographic ID at the start of the course. Accepted forms are government issued photographic identification, eg passport or identity document
Recognised in date medical certificate


All delegates will be asked to complete a medical questionnaire prior to course commencement.


Course scheduled on request – please contact our business centre.

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